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Behind the Scenes: Preparing for the 2019 Metro-Boston Diaper Drive

Moms Kim and Kerstin are busy preparing for this year’s Diaper Drive. We are contacting past hosts and volunteers, adding new collection points, seeking new volunteers to manage boxes, and building a cadre of volunteers to approach area businesses to request in-kind diaper donations. If you can help in any way, please reach out! We hope to collect 50,000 diapers this year!

2018 – The Most Successful Year Yet!

The results are in!  Somerville’s WIC office received 44,832 diaper donations this year, making 2018 our most successful year yet!  Thank you to everyone who donated, volunteers, and partnered with us.  You have helped hundreds of families!


With some diapers still left to be dropped off, WIC reports that they have now received a total of 31,968 diapers and 4288 wipes! Well done volunteers and partners! And, as always, thank you to our generous donors.

Whole Foods Donates Diapers

We want to give a big thank you to Bedford’s Whole Foods for donating 1,460 diapers today to the Metro-Boston Diaper Drive.  We appreciate their commitment to helping those in need.  

13,789 Diapers Already!

As of this morning, the WIC office in Somerville has received 13,789 diapers.  Donation boxes are in place until at least this Sunday, so that total will rise dramatically once all the diapers donated at collection points are delivered. 

Most experts agree that babies will go through 2500 and 3000 diapers per year, so generous donors have already provided a month’s supply of diapers to 66 families in need.  Please click on our donate button on the homepage to make your contribution.

Children Helping Children

“It’s never too early to teach our kids to lend a helping hand,” says Lynda, a new volunteer this year with the Metro-Boston Diaper Drive. In that spirit, in lieu of birthday gifts, she asked invitees to her young child’s birthday party to bring diapers to donate to the Diaper Drive. You can see from the picture that their friends and family really came through!

These diapers will be added to the 7,265 diapers that have already arrived at the WIC office. That number will rise dramatically once the Drive ends this coming Sunday and our volunteers collect all the boxes and deliver them to WIC. There is still plenty of time to donate through our registries if you can’t get to a collection box. Just click on the donate page on the homepage.

One in Three Families Struggles to Buy Diapers, According to Recent Study

Did you know that you can help a baby who lives in or near your community by contributing to the Metro-Boston Diaper Drive?  According to a 2017 study, one in three families experience “diaper need,” meaning they have difficulty affording enough diapers to keep their “baby or toddler consistently clean, dry, and healthy” (see more at  Diaper need can expose children to health risks such as diaper rash and urinary tract infections and can lead to children being difficult to soothe.  No child should have to sit in soiled diapers for extended periods simply because their caretakers can’t buy enough diapers.

At the Metro-Boston Diaper Drive, we have tried to make donating as easy as possible with 31 collection points in 8 towns and online registries.  Please contribute any way you can.  Opened packages of diapers are welcome. 

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